Published : 2011-09-30

The Role of the Budget Deficit in the Economy - Historical Retrospection

Lech Próchnicki


Purpose of the article is a presentation of the views of the academia to the role of the budget deficit in the economy. These views due to the changing reality, were far-reaching change. After period of strong approval for the deficit as an instrument for overcoming the economic downturn there has been a principal repayment and suddenly the academia began to accentuate the faults of stabilization policy. They negated completely inappropriate actions and additionally began to refer to the coincidence of the deficit and government debt was no longer economic stability-but stability of fiscal state. As far as the theory of financial deficit and government debt has far-reaching use moderation, so the actual fiscal policy stopped there are not any changes. As a result, European politicians and not only European brought the world to the edge of the fiscal crisis.(original abstract)


Budget deficit, Stabilisation policy, Public finance, Fiscal policy





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Próchnicki, L. (2011). The Role of the Budget Deficit in the Economy - Historical Retrospection. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 36(36). Retrieved from

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