Published : 2011-09-30

Public Debt as Instrument of Gender Redistribution in Poland

Jacek Połczyński


Nominal value of general government debt and debt of the State Treasury has been increasing consistently. A relatively high pace of GDP growth and successful restructurization of foreign public debt resulted the gradual improvement of the public debt to GDP ratio. In the following years this tendency has been reversed. Public finance crisis, which was created by the global financial crisis, has contributed in the last years to the acceleration of the increase process of nominal and real public debt in Poland and in most other European countries. Economic changes were accompanied by unfavourable demographic changes. As a result, a decreasing group of citizens in working age will carry the main burden of capital and public debt interests payments. This tendency will be growing. The predicted significant fall of Polish population, caused mainly by lower fertility rate and migration effects, will increase the relatively higher burdens of the next generation. (original abstract)


Public debt, Redistribution of income, Demographic situation





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Połczyński, J. (2011). Public Debt as Instrument of Gender Redistribution in Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 36(36). Retrieved from

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