Published : 2011-09-30

Non-financial Instruments for Managing Local Authority Public Debt

Marzanna Poniatowicz


Both in Polish economic practice and in theoretical studies on issues of local finance, an aspect which is often underappreciated and receives too little emphasis is that of non-financial instruments for managing local authority debt. It is necessary for these to be given greater exposure in local debt policies, if only because they have a significant influence on the level of trust of investors and financial institutions, and consequently on the costs of obtaining repayable capital and servicing debt, as well as on the effective use of debt instruments by local authorities in Poland (municipalities, counties, towns with county status, and provinces). This paper aims to identify the specific features and importance of non-financial instruments for managing local authority public debt. It discusses the following categories of instruments: organizational, institutional, personnel- based, informational and marketing-based.(original abstract)


Local government units, Local finance, Debt management, Public debt





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Poniatowicz, M. (2011). Non-financial Instruments for Managing Local Authority Public Debt. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 36(36). Retrieved from

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