Published : 2011-08-30

The Financial Crisis in Numbers

Adam Sojda


The paper is dedicated to presenting the financial crisis in numerical terms by bringing together key economic indicators and descriptors taken down before and during the crisis. The paper indicates the groups of countries, economies and businesses that performed in a similar manner in different periods, and draws attention to the impact that the crisis has had on some stock exchange indexes and the market value of several well-known companies. All the figures are shown against corresponding values describing the course that the crisis has taken in Poland. An attempt is also made to address the most pertinent and frequently asked question, particularly at early stages of the crisis, concerning when the crisis can be expected to end and in which areas it can be said to have already finished. The author has not employed other than publicly available data.(original abstract)


Financial crisis, Statistical analysis, Gross domestic product (GDP), Public debt





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Sojda, A. (2011). The Financial Crisis in Numbers. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 35. Retrieved from

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