Published : 2011-08-30

Changes in the Market Behavior of Households Triggered by the Financial Crisis

Sławomir Smyczek


Changes occurring in markets as a consequence of the global financial crisis do not leave the behavior of households intact, but force consumers to take a number of adaptive steps. Bearing in mind the fact that scientific and journalistic literature focuses on the influence of the financial crisis on business activities, and a number of studies measure its influence on the economic situation of consumers and job losses, the author of the paper concentrates on determining the influence of the financial crisis on changes in consumer decisions in the market and in the household. These changes are of either passive and proactive character. Passive behavior involves adjusting the needs to the level of resources owned and satisfying only basic needs. Proactive behavior, related to the ability of consumers to adapt to changes, may, on the other hand, be observed inside and outside the household. Consumer behavior inside the household involves rationalizing the use of material resources. Consumers may also change their behavior in the market. They tend to buy cheaper products, and take advantage of seasonal price reductions as well as all forms of sales promotions. Changes in behavior may also be associated with the pursuit of additional funds for consumption through increased activity in the labor market or by taking out loans to buy particular products. Hardly ever do consumers in any country sell off household assets. It is also possible to identify three types of consumer behavior triggered by the financial crisis, i.e. irresponsible, wise, and conservative ones.(original abstract)


Financial crisis, Market behaviour, Consumer behaviour





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Smyczek, S. (2011). Changes in the Market Behavior of Households Triggered by the Financial Crisis. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 35. Retrieved from

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