Published : 2011-02-28

Integrator as the Manager of Knowledge in the Virtual Organization

Damian Dziembek


In the contemporary economy the key-part is fulfilled by knowledge which properly created, accumulated, used and developed, can become a source of the competitive ad vantage both for traditional and virtual organizations. In the article there was presented the problems of knowledge management in the virtual organization. The main objective of the paper is the indication of the role of the integrator in the area of knowledge management in such structural form as the virtual organization. First of all the article there was introduced the meaning of the integrator in the structure and business activity of virtual organization. Then there was underlined the integrator as the manager of knowledge in the virtual organization. In the further part there was indicated several areas of knowledge management (i.e. strategy, structure, people, processes, culture, technologies) in which effective and efficient activities of the integrator can assure market success of virtual organization. (original abstract)


Manager, Knowledge in organization, Knowledge management, Virtual enterprise





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Dziembek, D. (2011). Integrator as the Manager of Knowledge in the Virtual Organization. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 32(32). Retrieved from

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