Published : 2011-02-28

Knowledge Management and Normalized Quality Management System Based on PN-EN ISO 9001:2009 Norm

Jacek Marek Radwan

Jarosław Mikulski


In recent years, a very-much-in-demand product or a high quality service seem to be not enough to meet with success in a market economy. The increasing customer needs and the growing competition mean that new ventures have to be continuously taken up. Rules, methods and instruments of management are the elements that support process of permanent organisational improvement and that allow an organisation to succeed and sustain a competitive advantage. All these are some of the major reasons for the growing popularity management system model based on PN-EN ISO 9001:2009. The parallel assumptions can be applied in knowledge management. Knowledge based economy requires an application of some quality management tools - in order to create new opportunities of practical and integrated quality/knowledge management. (original abstract)


Knowledge management, Quality management, Quality management systems





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Radwan, J. M., & Mikulski, J. (2011). Knowledge Management and Normalized Quality Management System Based on PN-EN ISO 9001:2009 Norm. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 32(32). Retrieved from

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