Published : 2010-12-30

Cause and Effect Triangle : Local and Regional Development - New Public Management - Civic Participation

Adam Szewczuk


In the assessment of local communities, the system transformation in our country should enable the implementation of processes, including: a rapid dynamic of catching up well developed countries at local and regional tier (taking into account the level achieved by Western European countries), creating a friendly environment for the participation of local communities in the public management process, changes in the activity of public sector entities and increasing efficiency of management of public sources while implementing of public tasks. In practice, three above mentioned areas are closely related. Complete harmony of interactive relations supports local and regional development and create perfect conditions for the activity of self government and other public sector entities according to the expectations of local communities. Every disturbance in mutual interactions may limit local and regional development and implementation of public purposes contributing to reduction of efficiency of budgetary resources management. These issues should be continually monitored and an might be interesting as a field of research. (original abstract)


Public finance sector units, Local development, Regional development, Public governance, Public finance sector, New public management





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Szewczuk, A. (2010). Cause and Effect Triangle : Local and Regional Development - New Public Management - Civic Participation. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 31(31). Retrieved from

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