Published : 2010-12-30

Funding Issues of Public Infrastructure in Polish and Selected European Union Countries

Iwona Cieślak


Infrastructure is a crucial factor of proper land management. In Poland, as well as in most EU countries, the provision of access to the infrastructure is a responsibility of local authorities, in the case of Poland of communal self-governments. Apart from satisfying the needs of the local community, the infrastructure ensures the proper spatial state and rational use of space, following the principles of sustainable development. Improving the quality of space by carrying out infrastructural tasks generates growth of value for this space, which can be often observed as the growth of the market value of a given real estate. These obvious relationships provide a reason to start a discussion on the method for financing infrastructural investments. This article is an attempt to compare the existing rules for financing public infrastructure in Poland with selected European Union countries. (original abstract)


Financing of infrastructure, Infrastructure, Municipal infrastructure





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Cieślak, I. (2010). Funding Issues of Public Infrastructure in Polish and Selected European Union Countries. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 31(31). Retrieved from

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