Published : 2010-12-30

Analysis of Concentration and Localization as a Method of Determining Areas for Afforestation in the Planning of Local Development on the Example of Jonkowo

Katarzyna Pawlewicz

Adam Pawlewicz


Afforestation of agricultural land, which from the point of view of rational management of agricultural use is inefficient (not viable), gives the possibility of alternative use and thus may help to obtain additional sources of income. In this paper presented the method of appointment and qualification areas for afforestation on the example of Jonkowo. Analysing spatial variation of environmental characteristics in terms of reforestation good solution is to use the concentration factor and the location. Through this procedure it is possible to prioritize, making the order of urgency and afforestation work in the various administrative units for example, taking into account the financial possibilities. (original abstract)


Afforestation of agricultural land, Forests, Local development





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Pawlewicz, K., & Pawlewicz, A. (2010). Analysis of Concentration and Localization as a Method of Determining Areas for Afforestation in the Planning of Local Development on the Example of Jonkowo. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 31(31). Retrieved from

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