Published : 2010-12-30

Mutual Relations Between Actors within the PPP - Some Legal Issues

Marek Białkowski


The implementation of public tasks is extremely important, and above all cost-task that is incumbent on state and local government bodies. Relationships between public and private sectors primarily seeks to liberalize the operation of private entities, but also the transfer of significant costs associated with investments in sensitive sectors such as environmental protection, waste water-sewage, transportation, roads, or social protection, and energy, telecommunications. Thus, there is the prospect of a transfer of investment risk to a large extent on private individuals. On top of all important issue is the rationalization of expenditure. A private investor will be forced to introduce such a system of governance so as to result in the least been an investment, but at the same time pursuing its activities will be aimed to achieve the highest profit, but these treatments must take into account the abundance of local communities. In this context, the formation of associations of public-private, based on the Law on Public-Private Partnership is the perfect solution, which in Poland is gaining ever wider circle of supporters, and changes in laws, what is true and too carefully made, but going in the right direction. (original abstract)


Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), Investment financing, Investment





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Białkowski, M. (2010). Mutual Relations Between Actors within the PPP - Some Legal Issues. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 31(31). Retrieved from

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