Published : 2010-10-30

The Analysis of the Relationship between the Changes of the NBP Interest Rates and Interest Paid on Deposits

Magdalena Szyszko


Growing volatility on the financial market pushes economic agents, including central bank, commercial banks and households, towards modification of their behavior. The changes cover risk aversion or structure of savings. In the article the author tries to analyze the relations between changes of the official interest rates of the National Bank of Poland and the changes of the interest paid for the bank deposits offered for households. The period of examination covers 6 quarters - from the last quarter of 2008 to the first quarter of 2010, when the liquidity crisis on Polish financial market was over. Monetary transmission mechanism assumes that there exists the cause and effect relation between NBP official rates and interest paid on deposits. However, during the crisis, they are not always observed. These issues will be presented in broader context of monetary policy problems. (original abstract)


Interest rate, Bank deposit, Bank product, Banking services market





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Szyszko, M. (2010). The Analysis of the Relationship between the Changes of the NBP Interest Rates and Interest Paid on Deposits. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 30(30). Retrieved from

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