Published : 2010-08-30

The Risk of Distorting the Financial Result of a Business Entity in Result of the Accepted Method of Settling the Asset Constituent in the form of Goodwill

Małgorzata Cieciura


These days risk is an inextricable part of economic life. One of the risk areas occurring at an enterprise is balance sheet valuation, especially the valuation of assets, liabilities and financial result. The financial result of a business entity is formed subject to the influence of generated costs and revenues. The article presents the influence of goodwill valuation (as a cost generator) on creating the financial result in the context of entity balance policy and the risk associated with applying an appropriate method of settling this asset constituent.(original abstract)


Balance valuation, Financial performance, Enterprise value, Valuation of assets and liabilities, Balance sheets policy





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Cieciura, M. (2010). The Risk of Distorting the Financial Result of a Business Entity in Result of the Accepted Method of Settling the Asset Constituent in the form of Goodwill. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 29(29). Retrieved from

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