Published : 2010-08-30

Crisis Subprime and the Situation of Commercial Banks in Poland

Gabriela Golawska-Witkowska

Anna Rzeczycka


The Global financial crisis left his trace not only on the participants of the market, it also made impossible the correct working of the whole economy. Although its beginning binds with the American segment of the most risky hypothecary credits it touched not only United States, it also reached to different developed states, causing the fall of the activity in the national economies of many countries. The consequence of this is focusing on of the banks, also in Poland, on the adjusting to the difficult conditions of the surroundings in which they have to work. This appears e.m. in the sharpened credit politic, enrichment of the wallet of papers of treasury and National Bank of Poland, pressure in the direction of the logging of the deposits and the control of costs. (original abstract)


Commercial banks, Financial crisis, Banking sector, Subprime crisis





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Golawska-Witkowska, G., & Rzeczycka, A. (2010). Crisis Subprime and the Situation of Commercial Banks in Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 29(29). Retrieved from

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