Published : 2010-08-30

Risk and Market in Gambling Industry in Economic Theory

Michał Zasadzki

Włodzimierz Zasadzki


The article covers the problem of functioning of the gambling industry in the theory of economy. Heretofore the subject has been omitted or even ignored in the mainstream of economics. Yet it is to be stressed that during the recent time the problem of gambling in its economic slant began to emerge in academic circles, principally American, such as: University of Nevada, University of Connecticut, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Denver University, Harvard University. The article constitutes an effort to present the problem of the gambling industry and its impact on local economy in the scope of various economic theories. Nevertheless, a limited space of the paper precludes from presenting the method which manages to analyze the scrutinized problem in the most complex manner, namely a cost-benefit analysis (С -B analysis), which may be the subject of a separate article. (original abstract)


Risk, Hazard, Economic theory





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Zasadzki, M., & Zasadzki, W. (2010). Risk and Market in Gambling Industry in Economic Theory. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 29(29). Retrieved from

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