Published : 2010-06-30

The Budgeting in the Process of the Change Management in the Individual of the Health Protection

Grzegorz Głód


Nowadays, the necessity of introducing the changes at the organizations becomes to be a serious challenge for many individuals of the health protection in Poland. The indispensable direction's changes should include the act of introducing the instruments of management applied at organizations of the private sector. That particular solutions will allow the individuals of the health protection to solve their problems. The best example of such instruments are the controlling solutions, in this budgeting. There is no doubts that introducing the system of individual's management by the help of budgeting makes up some kind of revolution. For many of the individuals, the system of budgeting can play the role of some cure on the difficult financial situation by not only the necessity of creating some plans and their current verification, but also by looking for the possibility of limiting the costs.(original abstract)


Budgeting, Change management, Health care protection





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Głód, G. (2010). The Budgeting in the Process of the Change Management in the Individual of the Health Protection. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 28(28). Retrieved from

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