Published : 2010-04-30

The Labour Market Program from Graduates Point of View

Anna Maria Rak

Jacek Maciej Rak

Adam Marcysiak


Young people, including graduates most of all, belong to the group which is threatened mostly with unemployment. It is a social-occupational group, which must face especially high expectation of the market. Employees search for qualified and experienced workers with job practice, which obviously young people just after school do not poses. Therefore the aim of this work is to estimate the programs of unemployment counteraction directed to graduates and carried out by the agency of district unemployment agencies. Empiric material used in the study was composed within the information collected during direct interview carried out among unemployed graduates from the area of two land districts: Siedlce and Łosice district. The questionnaire was used as a tool of the research, of which the main part covered questions connected to the situation of unemployed graduates on the labour market and the methods of unemployment counteraction carried out by the district unemployment agencies. (original abstract)


Labour market, Unemployment, Combat unemployment, Young people





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Rak, A. M., Rak, J. M., & Marcysiak, A. (2010). The Labour Market Program from Graduates Point of View. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 27(27). Retrieved from

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