Published : 2010-04-30

Banking Activity in the face of MiFID

Rafał Koczkodaj


The primary objective of each commercial bank is to maximize its value by achieving the possible greatest gains in different periods. This target must be achieved while maintaining all safety standards of banking activities. In recent years, banks are increasingly moving away from traditional banking activity, consisting of transformation of deposits collected on the loans, seeking new opportunities for expansion of bank revenue. One such area is the distribution and management of investment funds. In connection with different practice of offering various financial instruments to customers by financial institutions since 2007 in the European Union, and since this year in Polish banking sector decisions were introduced to the MiFID, which reinforce the legal framework for the international flow of investment services, unifying rules of offering them to the citizens of the European Union in all countries. Therefore there is a necessity to adjust procedures and behaviors to customers, so as to management of the investment funds was not too risky in the event of a failure due exactitude in performance law regulated informative requirements and activities. How important it is for the banks prove fact, that profits from this activities, in some of banks became one of the biggest entries in the income from commissions and bank charges. (original abstract)


Banking, Commercial banks, Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID)

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Koczkodaj, R. (2010). Banking Activity in the face of MiFID. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 27(27). Retrieved from

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