Published : 2010-02-28

Monetary Policy in the Growing Risk Environment on the Financial Market

Magdalena Szyszko


The article focuses on the main challenge that the monetary policy faces nowadays. The financial crisis that started in 2007, has forced the central bank to implement non-standard procedures. On the other hand, the crisis also created a necessity to discuss the strategic frameworks of monetary policy. The volatility and growing risk on the financial market forced the central bank to engage itself in explicit protection of financial system stability. Moreover, while inflation pressure was declining, the central bank tried to counteract the plummeting of the aggregate demand. At the same time, the main channels of monetary transmission mechanisme collapsed, and the central bank was searching for alternative ways to influence economy. The main concerns of the theoretic discussion over changes in the monetary policy are presented in this article. (original abstract)


Financial markets, Financial risk, Monetary policy, Central banks





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Szyszko, M. (2010). Monetary Policy in the Growing Risk Environment on the Financial Market. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 26(26). Retrieved from

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