Published : 2009-12-30

The Problems of Transformation of Polish Budget Accountancy

Jan Zbigniew Wąsik


The subject of the article is presentation of the evolution of budget sector accountancy in the last twenty years. The material result of the changes which took place in the analysed period are the acts regulating functioning of public finance. The point of relation for the discussion is functioning of budget accountancy in previous political system and new approach to public tasks realized by state and local governments budget units. The article discusses changes occurring under the influence of accepted Budget Act and Law on Public Finances. There are also mentioned the problems facing budget accountancy, i.e. servicing task budget, implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards of Public Sector, or harmonisation of existing system with the solutions in accountancy of commercial sector. The article refers to legal status of 31 December 2009.(original abstract)


Government accounting, State budget, Budget reporting, Local government budget





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Wąsik, J. Z. (2009). The Problems of Transformation of Polish Budget Accountancy. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 25(25). Retrieved from

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