Published : 2008-12-30

The Development of Corporate Self-governance as Decentralized Public Administration

Stanisław Wykrętowicz


In the professional literature available on the subject there is a twofold meaning of a self-governance: the sociological and the legal one. In the first case we are dealing with law corporations of voluntary membership and without the administrative power. In the latter case we are dealing with public law corporations, which arise from the will of the state by an Act of law with obligatory membership and administrative power. The administrative authority or the ability to perform public tasks in decentralized forms is essential for self-governance in the meaning of the administrative law theory. In other words a self governing entity is a body of decentralized state administration. As a result of social and economic changes that occurred in Europe under the influence of the French Revolution (1789) as well as the industrial one, there have developed three designators of self governance in the meaning of the administrative law: a) as a territorial self-government, b) as an economic self-governing and c) as a professional one. The purpose of this paper is to acquaint readers with the essence of self-governance in the terms mentioned above. (original abstract)


Public administration, Self-government, Local government, Economic self-government, Professional self-government





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Wykrętowicz, S. (2008). The Development of Corporate Self-governance as Decentralized Public Administration. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 21(21). Retrieved from

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