Published : 2007-12-30

The Importance of Short-term Commercial Paper as a Source of Financing for Small and Medium-sized Businesses (Example of Elzab SA)

Marian Malczyk


The paper aims to illustrate - on the example of Elzab SA company - the use of commercial paper by a small enterprise and the effect of its use on the company's development. The company under examination utilized this instrument as an important source of short-term finance which represented a sizeable proportion of its liabilities. Commercial paper issue programs were launched when the business, classified as a small one at the time, initiated a financial restructuring plan, and were discontinued when the restructuring was complete. Owing to the issue, the company grew to become a medium- -sized one. The paper presents the company's liabilities structure, credit risk assessments, and the relative importance of bank loans, commercial paper and trade creditors throughout the run of the issue program. (original abstract)


Small business, Financing enterprises, Source of financing, Short-term debt securities, Commercial papers, Commercial liabilities





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Malczyk, M. (2007). The Importance of Short-term Commercial Paper as a Source of Financing for Small and Medium-sized Businesses (Example of Elzab SA). Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 20(20). Retrieved from

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