Published : 2007-12-30

The Opportunities and Threats of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Mergers in the Financial Market

Danuta Kozłowska-Makóś


For small and medium-sized enterprises, economic globalization is associated with opportunities as well as with threats. The transformations taking place in the internal and the external environment force companies to implement radical changes in an effort to enhance their development. The increasingly common mergers and acquisitions are becoming a crucial factor affecting the relationships between businesses. For many Polish companies, cooperation with foreign investors and foreign capital contributions are, as a matter of fact, the only chance to survive. The paper attempts to analyze these processes in terms of the opportunities and threats arising from globalization for small and medium-sized enterprises. At the same time, it aims to provide an insight into the impact that risk and uncertainty linked with globalization will make on SMEs. (original abstract)


Small business, Integration of enterprises, Mergers and acquisitions





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Kozłowska-Makóś, D. (2007). The Opportunities and Threats of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Mergers in the Financial Market. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 20(20). Retrieved from

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