Published : 2006-12-30

The Role of Public Finance in Poland from 1991 to 2007

Wiesława Ziółkowska


It is beyond any doubt that there exist multi-facet relationships between the domain of public finance and real economic processes. Since public authorities redistribute more than 40% of Poland's gross domestic product, public finance figures as a major determining factor for economic growth and social welfare. Its exceptional significance during the transition period can be attributed to the fact that it, on the one hand, represents an important instrument of transformation and, on the other, is itself subject to change. The paper attempts a retrospective insight into the role of public finance in transforming Poland's economy, possibly avoiding current, largely emotional judgments. The adopted paper format does not allow an exhaustive discussion of the issue in all of its complexity. The analysis aims to address such questions as: whether, and to what extent, the management of public finance over the past seventeen years, despite an array of criticisms concerning the level and quality of public goods consumption as well as the coordination of fiscal and monetary policy, has supported the system transformation process; and whether the present structure and level of public revenues and expenditures is favorable to economic growth . which is a major challenge facing public finance today. (original abstract)


Public finance, Public expenditures, Public debt





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Ziółkowska, W. (2006). The Role of Public Finance in Poland from 1991 to 2007. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 19(19). Retrieved from

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