Published : 2006-12-30

Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego and Its Services to the Public Finance Sector

Wojciech Białończyk

Michał Nowak


The paper aims to investigate and discuss the relationships between the banking industry and the public finance sector, as well as the legal status of the Bank of National Economy [Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego - BGK], the only state-run bank in Poland, whose role and significance are much greater than stipulated in the relevant legal act. The role of the BGK is presented against the general rules for the provision of banking services to state budget, local government budgets and units of government administration. Alongside banking operations proper, the BGK performs a number of activities which cannot be considered as banking activities but are laid down in relevant laws as BGK's responsibilities. On the one hand, then, the Bank serves as the provider of banking services to units of public administration, and on other hand, far more importantly, it can be said to exercise some of the powers and perform some of the legal obligations that are otherwise assigned to public administration. (original abstract)


Banking sector, Financial sector, Public finance, Banking services, Public finance sector





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Białończyk, W., & Nowak, M. (2006). Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego and Its Services to the Public Finance Sector. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 19(19). Retrieved from

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