Published : 2009-06-30

International Organization in Solving the Issues of Developing Countries - the Case of Financial Markets in Southeast Asian Economies

Alfred Janc

Katarzyna A. Nawrot


In the last decades of the 20th century particular countries of East and Southeast Asia recorded very high rates of economic growth and development. The explanations of the dynamism of the above mentioned processes in the region were combined with the rise and functioning of the financial markets, which were simultaneously a source of a breakdown and destabilisation, what resulted in Asian financial crisis of 1997/98. The international organisations of regional and global character played a significant role in the financial and afterwards economic crisis recovery. Their importance for solving the issues of the financial markets functioning in Southeast Asia and an attempt to evaluate their activity in face of the contemporary challenges in the region are the main issues discussed in the paper. (original abstract)


Financial crisis, International organisations, Financial sustainability, Asian crisis





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Janc, A., & Nawrot, K. A. (2009). International Organization in Solving the Issues of Developing Countries - the Case of Financial Markets in Southeast Asian Economies. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 23(23). Retrieved from

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