Published : 2009-06-30

Globalization and Consolidation Processes in the Global Communications Services Market

Ryszard Ławniczak


The processes of globalization and consolidation spreading in business have somewhat enforced consolidation of global agencies in the realm of communication services. International and global public relations, media and marketing agencies as well as (lately) opinion poll agencies (special services) offering now packages of integrated communication services. This notion comprises public relations services, lobbing as well as advertising, marketing and opinion polls conducted by a single company: a conglomerate of communication services in the form of a holding company. As a result of capital concentration and consolidation, the number of global agencies involved in communications had dropped from eight (2002) to six (2005). The market as it is today, hosts six global holding companies rendering communication services, including: Omnicom and Interpublic from US, WPP from UK, Publicis and Havas from France and Dentsu headquartered in Japan. (original abstract)


Communication, Holding, Public relations agencies





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Ławniczak, R. (2009). Globalization and Consolidation Processes in the Global Communications Services Market. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 23(23). Retrieved from

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