Published : 2013-06-30

Selected Aspects of Cooperative Banks in Poland in the Years 2007-2011

Andrzej Pietrasz


This paper depicts the performance of cooperative banks throughout the period of 2007 through 2011, which coincided with considerable turbulence in financial markets. It focuses on how the business environment affected the balance sheets of domestic cooperative banks over the period examined, and on how, consequently, it impacted on their loans and deposits as well as on their overall performance and the financial results they delivered. The key areas of risk exposure and the barriers to growth of this segment of the banking sector are highlighted. Furthermore, the paper also attempts to explain why cooperative banks, whilst announcing success after success, have actually come to a standstill. It is interesting to look at cooperative banking both from the viewpoint of customers-members and from the perspective of young-aged clients, including university students, whose perception of the banks is, for the most part, unbiased by sentiment.(original abstract)


Banking sector, Cooperative banks, Financial crisis





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Pietrasz, A. (2013). Selected Aspects of Cooperative Banks in Poland in the Years 2007-2011. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 48(3). Retrieved from

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