Published : 2013-06-30

Financing of Real Investments during an Economic Slowdown: the Experience of Polish Companies

Adam Samborski


This paper aims to analyze the economic condition of Poland between 1995 and 2010, as well as analyzing its impact on the financing of investments in tangibles by Polish companies. To identify the sources of funding, the author has used available national statistics and country reports. The data used in estimating Polish companies' expenditures on the purchase of tangible assets comes from two accounts: the capital investment account and the financial account. As a result, it can be ascertained that between 1995 and 2010 there were two significant changes in the sources of funding for tangible asset purchases by Polish companies. The changes are traceable to the overlap of two mechanisms: preference given by businesses to using their own funds in financing real(original abstract)


Financing enterprises, Real investments, Source of financing





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Samborski, A. (2013). Financing of Real Investments during an Economic Slowdown: the Experience of Polish Companies. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 48(3). Retrieved from

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