Published : 2013-06-30

The Relationships between the Decline in Market Value of Polish Construction Companies and the EU-Funded Infrastructural Projects Running from January 2011 to June 2012

Alicja Bartuś


The construction sector is commonly believed to be the driving force of any economy. Therefore, the expected launch of grand infrastructure projects relating to Poland's preparation for the 2012 UEFA Football Championship, brought hopes for the country's accelerated economic growth. The expectations were further inflated by the EU's financial contribution to funding the projects. However, while the projects were already under construction, the economic condition of some contractors and many sub-contractors started deteriorating dramatically, impacting the financial stability of the whole sector. As a result, throughout the period of time outlined, the largest construction companies experienced a steady decline in market value. This paper attempts to investigate the reasons why this occurred, with an emphasis on country-specific factors in the context of the global economic crisis.(original abstract)


Construction, Construction company, Construction investments, Enterprise value





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Bartuś, A. (2013). The Relationships between the Decline in Market Value of Polish Construction Companies and the EU-Funded Infrastructural Projects Running from January 2011 to June 2012. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 48(3). Retrieved from

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