Published : 2013-06-30

Public-Private Partnership as a Form of Good Governance - The Anti-Crisis Instruments of Public Policy

Piotr Koćwin


In most European countries, the economic crisis has severely affected the condition of the state budget. To overcome the difficulties, governments first apply traditional instruments such as reductions in budget spending, tax increases or repeated government borrowing from international financial institutions and EU's special funds. Less attention is given to instruments prescribed by the principles of good governance, particularly to public-private partnership - a method which proved its merit during past crises. Public-private partnership (PPP), involving a combination of private and public funding, is a form of good governance whereby one of its key principles, viz. partnership, is effectively implemented. From the perspective of the public sector and its usual budget constraints, PPP's main advantage is associated with an opportunity to raise additional funding for public projects without increasing public debt. In financing projects under publicprivate partnership ,funds are raised using mechanisms known as "project finance".(original abstract)


Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), Public governance, Good governance





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Koćwin, P. (2013). Public-Private Partnership as a Form of Good Governance - The Anti-Crisis Instruments of Public Policy. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 48(3). Retrieved from

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