Published : 2013-06-30

The European Union Disability Strategy - an Assessment of Bank Implementation of EU Directives in regard to People with Disabilities

Jolanta Stacharska-Targosz

Radosław Targosz


This paper attempts to assess the implementation of European directives on disabilities and their impact on improving the quality of disabled peoples' lives, as well as their social and professional integration. Firstly, the authors deliver an analysis of bank premises with a look at their adaptation to the needs of customers with disabilities, with a focus on visually impaired and blind persons. Next, they overview the effects of initiatives aimed at eliminating architectural barriers, as well as offering special facilities, products and services for people with physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional and developmental disabilities. Furthermore, the paper presents a subjective evaluation by bank staff of their own preparation to serve customers with all kinds of disabilities. Unemployment among disabled people is another issue addressed in the paper. The author stake a look at employment opportunities that the banking sector provides for persons with varying degrees of impairment.(original abstract)


Disabled people, Customer service, Banks





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Stacharska-Targosz, J., & Targosz, R. (2013). The European Union Disability Strategy - an Assessment of Bank Implementation of EU Directives in regard to People with Disabilities. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 48(3). Retrieved from

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