Published : 2009-06-30

Transformational Economic Cycle : An Attempt of Analysis of Its Mechanism

Władysław Balicki

Barbara Ptaszyńska


The first part of the article, set in Keynesian paradigm is devoted to explanation of the paradox: in characterised by the authors conditions in which Poland was at the beginning of the 90s there should occur fast expansion, whereas - as it is known - there was two and a half year of recession. The authors base their analysis on the concept of potential product with which there would be balance on goods and services markets, if there did not occur - introduced according to the method of idealisation and concretisation - disturbing factors. The occurrence of transformational recession can be explained by their influence: after taking into account all the disturbing factors it is on much lower level in comparison with the period prior to transformation. In the second part of the article the authors present model mechanism of economy in transition leaving economic breakdown stage which affected all post-Communist countries. According to the authors, the factor which as the first one was stopping the fall of production were commitments of the previous economic system. The budget deficit caused by them result in additional demand. Further the authors discuss another, successively appearing, drags, e.g.: the fall of inflation, growth of investment rate and ending transformational restructuring. (original abstract)


Systemic transformations in the economy, Economic recession

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Balicki, W., & Ptaszyńska, B. (2009). Transformational Economic Cycle : An Attempt of Analysis of Its Mechanism. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 24(24). Retrieved from

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