Published : 2009-06-30

International Position of Poland in 1989-2008 in the Light of Synthetic Measures of Power

Mirosław Sułek


The article is an attempt to answer the question, what was the international position of Poland in 1989-2008. The measure of position was made one of the categories in science of international relations, that is power (force, potential) expressed in a synthetic way (quantitative). It was based on the author's model of calculating power of the states. It allows calculating two types of power: dispositional power (general, potential) and its part - coordinating power (real, military). Poland's position was presented against the background of the world and selected European states. The results which were achieved show that Poland joined the group of countries which in the last twenty years of changes have significantly improved their international position in terms of dispositional power. As to the coordinating power, the position of Poland has not changed significantly. (original abstract)


International comparisons, International political relations, State





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Sułek, M. (2009). International Position of Poland in 1989-2008 in the Light of Synthetic Measures of Power. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 24(24). Retrieved from

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