Published : 2022-06-30

A Mechanism for Managing the Innovation Potential of Enterprises in the Digital Economy

Tetyana Korytko

Samira Pіletska

Olha Bohutska


The article focuses on factors that can improve the innovation potential of Ukrainian enterprises. The Ukrainian economy is undergoing a transformation towards a model of development based on innovation in an effort to strengthen the position of the national industry so that it can compete with foreign manufacturers. It is therefore necessary to look for ways to improve efficiency and create competitive advantage in the form of innovative products and services. The authors use various international indicators and indices to assess the level of innovation of the Ukrainian economy and propose a conceptual model of a mechanism for managing the innovation potential of industrial enterprises. The model is based on methodological principles and includes various organizational and economic tools of influence.(original abstract)


Innovation potential, Innovations, Digital economy, Digitization, Industrial enterprises





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Korytko, T., Pіletska S., & Bohutska, O. (2022). A Mechanism for Managing the Innovation Potential of Enterprises in the Digital Economy. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 97(2).

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