Published : 2024-05-15

Robotization — A Revolution and Its Impact on Our Lives

Małgorzata Florczak-Strama


Object and purpose of the work:

The ever-increasing demand for automation around the world has increased the use of technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning for industrial development and logistics. Among the latest technological developments, intelligent robots are becoming an increasingly integral part of enterprises. The article focuses on the impact of intelligent robots on productivity, competitiveness and the way that companies use automation. Research results suggest that companies use the concept of robotization to increase efficiency, effectiveness and increase profits. The implementation of robots in various areas of life focuses on public well-being, orientation towards the final consumer and environmental sustainability.

Materials and Methods:

The study analyzed secondary data in the form of published articles online. Online articles cover the current trend and thus have created the potential to try to understand the phenomenon of robotization. An in-depth analysis of selected articles indicates specific aspects that can be analyzed from a behavioral, ecological and operational perspective - thus explaining the impact of robot implementation on various sectors of the economy and its environment.


Analysis of the impact of robotization in terms of: productivity, sustainable agriculture, incentive effect for enterprises, public orientation, added value, final consumer satisfaction, entertainment sector, health care sector, logistics, human-robot interaction.


Robots can increase productivity in various sectors of the economy: industry, logistics, agriculture, health care. The use of robotization can reduce pollution and at the same time save natural resources. Robot implementation shows increased efficiency with less effort and greater precision in reduced time frames. Most companies introduce automation because they realize that robots are an upcoming trend. Enterprises not wanting to miss the opportunity to stay on the market must invest in automation. The study shows that although the implementation of robots provides a positive impact on enterprises, at the same time it results in uncertainty among employees related to job loss due to their low qualifications. Low-skilled, routine jobs are being replaced by highly specialized ones that require greater dynamics and digital know-how. The implementation of robots clearly indicates an increase in productivity, while at the same time there is high uncertainty in the field of employment.

Keywords: robotization, automation, artificial intelligence, sustainable development


robotization, automation, artificial intelligence, sustainable development





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Citation rules

Florczak-Strama, M. (2024). Robotization — A Revolution and Its Impact on Our Lives. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 103(4).

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