Published : 2020-06-30

A Comparative Assessment of Timber Resources for the Woodworking Industry of Ukraine and EU Countries

Luybomyr Sozanskyy

Nataliya Ryvak


The woodworking industry in Ukraine is a promising export-oriented branch nowadays. The creation of new jobs, the generation of budget revenues, a growth in the competitiveness of the country's regions largely depend on the successful development of this industry. It is therefore necessary to implement best European practices in the areas of forestry development, trade policy and environmental protection in order to provide woodworking enterprises with sufficient raw materials, support them and enable further economic growth of Ukraine's woodworking industry as a whole. The authors conduct a comparative analysis of the structure and production of raw materials for the woodworking industries of Ukraine and EU member states. Its results are used to justify the necessity of increasing the share of industrial roundwood harvested in Ukraine, since Ukraine has sufficient timber resources to ensure a dynamic development of the woodworking industry. The authors argue that the growing share of fuelwood in roundwood production in Ukraine poses a threat to the environmental and national security as well as harming the prospects of the woodworking industry. Therefore, the creation of effective economic and legal instruments for the development of forestry and the woodworking industry is extremely important for strengthening the processes of economic integration in the context of the moratorium on timber exports from Ukraine.(original abstract)


Wood industry, Wood market, Export





Citation rules

Sozanskyy, L., & Ryvak, N. (2020). A Comparative Assessment of Timber Resources for the Woodworking Industry of Ukraine and EU Countries. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 88(1), 35–42.

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