Published : 2020-06-30

A Hospital Management Model Based on Accreditation Standards

Ewa Popławska


Standardization in the health care sector in Poland is motivated by the need to find effective mechanisms of improving the quality of medical services. A hospital accreditation programme is one of the quality management models established in the Polish legislation. The author describes the hospital management model based on accreditation standards and the way it correlates with classical management functions, such as planning, organization, motivation and control. A series of benefits resulting from obtaining an accreditation certificate are presented, including the role of accreditation standards in financing health services by the National Health Fund. The practical implementation of accreditation standards indicates a weak correlation with motivation and control functions. The article also presents weaknesses in the hospital accreditation programme that require additional management measures so that the desired outcomes of the hospital management model could be achieved.(original abstract)


Hospital service, Quality of medical services, Medical facilities management, Accreditation, Healthcare standards





Citation rules

Popławska, E. (2020). A Hospital Management Model Based on Accreditation Standards. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 88(1), 113–124.

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