Published : 2019-12-30

Business Model for Adventure Tourism and the Barriers to Physical Activity

Mateusz Ziemba

Krystyna Górna-Łukasik


This is a research article. The theoretical introduction addresses the issues of adventure tourism and barriers to physical activity. The text was localized in the context of business models. The research covered 589 students of Silesian universities (337 women, 252 men). We adopted diagnostic survey as our research method and a questionnaire as the tool. We applied basic methods of statistical description and nonparametric tests: Mann-Whitney U test, Chi-square test and effect-size indices: Glass's biserial correlation coefficient (rg ) and Cramer's phi (V) to our statistical analyses. The main objective of the study was to identify barriers to physical activity of students, while taking the gender of our subjects into account. Analysis of the results allows us to create recommendations for business models in the context of barriers to taking physical activity and implement them in practice.(original abstract)


Physical activity, Tourist activity, Tourism, Recreation, Business models





Citation rules

Ziemba, M., & Górna-Łukasik, K. (2019). Business Model for Adventure Tourism and the Barriers to Physical Activity. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 87(4), 57–72.

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