Published : 2019-09-30

Local Finance in the Provision of Community Wellbeing: Comparative Analysis of Poland and Ukraine

Iryna Hrynchyshyn


The concept of wellbeing can be considered from an interdisciplinary perspective, taking into account psychological, social, managerial and economic aspects at different levels (state, regional, local, individual), and adopting a top-down approach. The author analyses the position of Ukraine and Poland in different dimensions of wellbeing and finds significant differences in indices and their constituents. The findings confirm an impact of local finances on regional human development, and the efficiency of local government bodies is found to be positively correlated with the development of human potential. The article demonstrates the necessity of a comprehensive assessment of community wellbeing, taking into account the role of local finances and directions of increasing the efficiency of local government bodies.(original abstract)


Local finance, Local development, Local government, Social welfare, Local community

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Citation rules

Hrynchyshyn, I. (2019). Local Finance in the Provision of Community Wellbeing: Comparative Analysis of Poland and Ukraine. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 86(3), 23–32.

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