Published : 2022-12-30

Towards a Better Strategic Analysis of Ukraine'S Chemical Industry

Olena Chernysheva


The purpose of the article is to propose a more reasonable approach to conducting a strategic analysis of Ukraine's chemical industry that can be used in as a component of strategic management of chemical enterprises. The author reviews methods of analysing the attractiveness of the industry, including those proposed by Thompson and Strickland (1987) and Ansoff (1989) and concludes that in order to conduct a strategic analysis of a given industry, one should analyse the level of competition within the industry, the level of instability and assess its attractiveness in the short and long term. The proposed approach consists in dividing economic characteristics of the chemical industry into general (used for any strategy) and special (used for a specific type of strategy) and is used by the author to identify general macro- and microeconomic characteristics of Ukraine's chemical industry. The advantage of the proposed approach over the ones used until now is that it identifies a more reasonable list of factors that should be taken into account when developing strategies for enterprises in the chemical industry.(original abstract)


Chemical industry, Strategic analysis, Corporation strategies





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Chernysheva, O. (2022). Towards a Better Strategic Analysis of Ukraine’S Chemical Industry. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 99(4).

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