Published : 2022-03-30

Ukraine's New International Economic Strategy: Ecologization of Production

Olena Kanishchenko

Nataliia Chypryna

Kateryna Kuznietsova


The article is devoted to the problems associated with the creation of Ukraine's new international economic strategy in the postwar period, in particular, such the issue of green manufacturing, which is one of the main trends in modern civilization. The authors analyze the main areas and mechanisms of green manufacturing, directions of the updated strategy in the context of the changing architecture of international cooperation. They emphasize the need to strengthen the country's international position by taking into account priorities regarding the technological reconstruction of the Ukrainian economy in the postwar period, while protecting the environment. Using information obtained from a survey of ecologists and representatives of industrial enterprises, the authors identify key motivational factors, tools and consequences of the restructuring process. The authors argue that the successful operation of industrial and agricultural enterprises requires a strong focus on various areas of environmental security and the development of a new approach to this issue.(original abstract)


Ecological politics, Pro-ecological production, Environmental security





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Kanishchenko, O., Chypryna, N., & Kuznietsova, K. (2022). Ukraine’s New International Economic Strategy: Ecologization of Production. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 96(1).

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