Published : 2020-09-30

Analysis of Consumption and Its Safety in the Process of Sustainable Development: a Regional Aspect

Kateryna Antoniuk

Anatoliy Mokiy

Dmytro Antoniuk


The authors propose a composite indicator to classify countries in terms of the level of consumption. The indicator reveals the uneven distribution of consumption in the world, which is determined by the GDP, population and quality of life in the analysed countries. The authors identify relationships between the composite indicator of the level of consumption of goods (services) by households and GDP per capita and as well as the Human Development Index. They also provide correlations of separate indicators of financial capacity and the level of well-being of the population with indicators of the level of consumption. This taxonomic analysis is used to determine the level of consumption in Ukraine.(original abstract)


Quality of life, Living standard, Human Development Index (HDI), Gross domestic product (GDP), Consumption level





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Antoniuk, K., Mokiy, A., & Antoniuk, D. (2020). Analysis of Consumption and Its Safety in the Process of Sustainable Development: a Regional Aspect. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 90(3).

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