Published : 2020-09-30

Management of the Development of Territorial Communities in Ukraine under the Assets-based Approach

Iryna Storonyanska

Liliya Benovska


Each territorial community (amalgamated community) in Ukraine has its own resource base, but its successful development depends not only on the availability of resources, but also on the ability to turn them into development assets. Therefore, when talking about managing the assets of territorial communities, one should focus on two aspects: the community's own resource base of and its effective management with a view of transforming this resource into a community asset. The purpose of the article is to compare conceptual approaches to management with emphasis on asset-oriented management of a territorial community. The study involves historical, abstract and logical, systematic and comparative analysis. The authors analyse different conceptual approaches to management, making comparisons and highlighting opportunities and expediency of their application for the purpose of managing territorial communities. The goal of asset-oriented management is to increase the community's capacity by mobilizing its own resources and transforming them into development assets. The authors identify various types of community assets and classify them into tangible and intangible ones. They also propose the framework of asset management in territorial communities, including stages of management, its purpose, subjects and objects of management as well as interconnections.(original abstract)


Assets, Asset management, Territorial economy





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Storonyanska, I., & Benovska, L. (2020). Management of the Development of Territorial Communities in Ukraine under the Assets-based Approach. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 90(3).

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