Published : 2018-12-30

The Fifth Dimension of War - Cyberspace. How to Secure this Area: The Approach of Selected States and International Organizations to Cybersecurity

Bartosz Biernacik


Cyberspace is a fifth dimension of war. As the Internet grows the cyber activity is growing as well. Nowadays it is used for political and economic reasons as a pressure tool on countries. Therefore to secure the cyberspace is a growing issue. It has become important due to the more and more frequent examples of activity in cyberspace. The growing activity is unfortunately focused on cyber-terrorism, cyber-espionage, cyber hacktivist and more. To make it more complicated cyberspace is the place of almost full anonymity and it is hard to proof the guilty of the exact group or person. That is why international organizations like NATO, ENISA, and whole countries are building its abilities to act in cyberspace. Some of them are willing to act only to protect themselves but other are officially declaring also offensive activities. This article is a presentation of current trends in cyberspace in some of the biggest players in it.(original abstract)


Cyberspace, Cyberterrorism, Cybersecurity, Cybercrime, Internet of Things (IoT)





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Biernacik, B. (2018). The Fifth Dimension of War - Cyberspace. How to Secure this Area: The Approach of Selected States and International Organizations to Cybersecurity. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 83(6).

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