Published : 2018-10-30

Turquoise Organizations - a Response to the Challenges of the Labour Market

Wioleta Gałat


The concept of turquoise organizations is receiving more and more attention in the literature and is becoming the subject of a broader discussion. The dynamically changing reality means that what is required is a new approach to managing organizations, in particular human capital. In addition, employees expect employers to be involved in the development of the organization, as well as an individual approach to their duties. The new approach to work is associated with the appearance of the Y and Z generations in the labor market, which have different attitudes to work and do not embrace previously accepted rules. The purpose of this article is to answer the question whether turquoise organizations meet the expectations of the Y and Z generations in the labor market. (original abstract)


Teal organisation, Labour market, Enterprise management, Generation Y, Generation Z





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Gałat, W. (2018). Turquoise Organizations - a Response to the Challenges of the Labour Market. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 82(5).

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