Published : 2018-08-30

Foreign Direct Investments and Their Role in the Diffusion of Technology, Knowledge and Skills

Magdalena Byczkowska

Anna Majzel

Andrzej Kuciński


One important condition enabling foreign direct investments (FDI) to have a positive impact on the economy are activities aimed at stimulating the development of the country's own research potential and the innovation growth of domestic enterprises. There is a strong feedback between the inflow of foreign direct investments and the development of domestic technological potential. FDI is the primary channel for international transmission of technology, thus contributing to the growth of domestic technology. On the other hand, domestic research and development activities increase the effectiveness of technical knowledge diffusion and exert a positive impact on the structure of inward investment. The main aim of this article is to present FDI as a form of technology transfer, which enables innovation and competitiveness of enterprises.(original abstract)


Direct investments, Foreign investment, Technology transfer (TT), Knowledge diffussion, International corporation





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Byczkowska, M., Majzel, A., & Kuciński, A. (2018). Foreign Direct Investments and Their Role in the Diffusion of Technology, Knowledge and Skills. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 81(4).

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