Published : 2018-08-30

The Leadership Profile and Its Impact on Life in the Workplace Based on a Survey of Representatives of Generations: Baby Boomers, X and Millennials

Małgorzata Chojnacka


The article presents a contemporary profile of the leader taking into account the growing importance of the adaptive role of emotions and the function they play in the workplace. The author describes how current expectations concerning leadership traits differ from those expressed by representatives of different generations. The theoretical considerations were evaluated using information collected in a survey conducted among representatives of three denerations: Baby boomers, Generations X and Millennials. According to respondents, a leader should respect their subordinates, pay attention to them, listen to what they have to say, trust and support them. A leader is described as someone who makes people feel safe, appreciated, supported, enthusiastic and selfconfident.(original abstract)


Quality of life, Leader in the organization, Leader's personality, Survey research





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Chojnacka, M. (2018). The Leadership Profile and Its Impact on Life in the Workplace Based on a Survey of Representatives of Generations: Baby Boomers, X and Millennials. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 81(4).

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