Published : 2018-04-30

Financing and Support of Research and Development in Slovakia and Poland

Ludmila Fabová

Justyna Łukomska-Szarek


Investment in R&D, that is the drive of technical progress, has a significant impact on economic growth as well as on the competitiveness of the country, and therefore it gains importance in the developed economies. This is not the case in Slovakia and Poland, as they belong to the European Union countries with a low R&D intensity and an inadequate structure of relatively low R&D expenditure. The paper examines the theoretical definition of R&D, conducts the assessment of the development of R&D investments and their structures in the most developed countries of the world, the EU as well as in Slovakia and Poland. The objective of the paper is to highlight the reasons for an insufficient level of funding and support for research and development in Slovakia and to propose the measures for improving the level of research and development in Slovakia and Poland.(original abstract)


Research & Development (R D), Financing scientific research





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Fabová, L., & Łukomska-Szarek, J. (2018). Financing and Support of Research and Development in Slovakia and Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 79(2).

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