Published : 2018-04-30

The Efficiency of Investing in Shares of Innovative Companies - the Case of Investment Funds Available in the Polish Market

Tomasz Nawrocki


Given the growing interest of investors around the world in innovative companies, the purpose of the study described in this article is to examine the efficiency of investing in shares of companies with innovative characteristics by examining investment funds available in the Polish market. The efficiency of this investment strategy was measured using a number of assessment criteria used in risk-income analysis (expected rate of return, standard deviation, income per unit of risk) and specific portfolio management quality indicators (maximum drawdown, tracking error, additional rate of return, Jensen's alpha, beta coefficient, information ratio and Sharpe's ratio). The results obtained indicate that investments in innovative companies may be an interesting alternative to traditional forms of investment in the capital market.(original abstract)


Innovative enterprises, Investment funds, Investment strategy, Evaluation of investment efficiency





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Nawrocki, T. (2018). The Efficiency of Investing in Shares of Innovative Companies - the Case of Investment Funds Available in the Polish Market. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 79(2).

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